代碼意義 API Response Code

API 回應代碼(ResponseCode)

Response Code
回應碼說明Response code description
100訂單不存在The order does not exist.
101此訂單號已付款The order has been paid.
103退款金額錯誤Error in the refund amount.
104用戶付款額度不足The payment amount is over the monthly limit.
1051. remain_amount 金額不正確
2. refund_amount 金額不一致(當refund_amount與先前同refund_order_id請求不一致)
1. Inconsistent remaining amount
2. Inconsistent refund amount
110店鋪不存在Store not found
113因退款金額大於店家累計未請款金額,故退款失敗Refund reject due to refund amount exceeding the total unreimbursed amount.
115扣款失敗-用戶銀行帳戶/信用卡等支付工具異常Payment failed
200失敗;參數錯誤Failure; parameter error.
201失敗;參數錯誤Failure; validation error.
301無效授權訂單Invalid auth_no
302授權已終止Canceled auth_no
303授權扣款金額高於用戶設定扣款限額FinalPrice exceeded the max amount quota set by the user
304定期定額扣款金額高於會員等級限額(30萬以下)Order final price is not consistent with authpay billing amount
305定期定額扣款次數錯誤Authpay payment exceeds current billing cycle times
307同時僅能接受進行一筆交易扣款Payment with the same auth_no is allowed one at a time


Status Code
回應碼說明Status code description
0交易成功Transaction success.
1付款處理中Processing payment.
101此訂單號尚未付款The order has not been paid
102此訂單號不存在The order number does not exist.
304訂單金額與授權金額不符The Order’s final Price is not consistent with the billing amount