授權扣款 Authorization deduction request
Domain:https://{Please update according to test/production path provided by JKOPAY}/platform/authpay/transaction
Platform calls this API to request for authorization deduction request.
整合流程 (Integration Workflow)
請求參數 (Request Parameter)
參數名稱 Parameter | 資料型態 Data Type | 最大長度 Maximum | 必要的 Required | 說明 | Description |
auth_no | String | 30 | Y | 街口端授權編號 | Jkopay authorization number |
order | AuthOrderUnit | Y | AuthOrderUnit |
範例 (Example):
"auth_no": "605495635344494592",
"order": {
"platform_order_id": "test-roy-010",
"currency": "TWD",
"total_price": 50,
"final_price": 50,
"unredeem": 50,
"products": [{
"name": "商品1",
"img": null,
"unit_count": 1,
"unit_price": 50,
"unit_final_price": 50,
"category_path": []}],
"remark": "備註"
返回參數 (Response JSON Body) – (When Success)
參數名稱 Parameter | 資料型態 Data Type | 說明 | Description |
transaction | Transaction[] | Transaction |
範例 (Example):
"result": "000",
"message": null,
"result_object": {
"platform_order_id": "test-roy-010",
"status": 0,
"tradeNo": "J000384112110270000E",
"trans_time": "2021-10-27 09:04:51",
"currency": "TWD",
"final_price": "50",
"redeem_amount":" 0",
"redeem_detail": {
"jko_coin_amount": 0,
"official_coupon_amount": 0,
"store_coupon_amount": 0
"debit_amount": "50",
"refund_history": [],
"invoice_vehicle": "/9-99+99",
"remain_JKO_fee": 0.00,
"maskNo": null,
"channel_type": "account"
返回參數 (Response JSON Body) – (When Failed)
參數名稱 Parameter | 資料型態 Data Type | 說明 | Description |
Error_code | String | ErrorCode | ErrorCode |
message | String | 扣款金額驗證失敗時會提供error message | When the deduction failed then will reply error message |
範例 (Example):
"result": "305",