授權創建 Authorization Binding
授權扣款-定期定額 (Authorized Payment-regular)
Domain:https://{Please update according to test/production path provided by JKOPAY}/platform/authpay/regular
Merchant platform calls this API to obtain JKO’s payment authpay_url. The platform’s authorization binding number is unique and unrepeated. Before an authorization binding is completed, the same authpay_url will be returned when this API is called repeatedly.
整合流程 (Integration Workflow)
請求參數 (Request Parameter)
參數名稱 Parameter | 資料型態 Data Type | 最大長度 Maximum | 必要的 Required | 說明 | Description |
authpay_name | String | 60 | Y | 授權扣款項目 | Authorization payment name |
store_id | String | 36 | Y | 商店編號 請依街口提供的測試/正式商店 代碼更新。 | Store ID. Please update according to the test and production environment ID provided by JKOPAY. |
cancelable | Boolean | N | 是否可由用戶解除的授權, 預設為TRUE,可由用戶解除。 | Whether the authorization binding can be canceled by the user. Default set as TRUE, which means the authorization can be canceled by the user. | |
platform_authpay_id | String | 60 | N | 平台授扣編號(留存用) | Platform’s authorization ID (for record-keeping) |
identities | identities[] | N | 授扣授權綁定人驗證 | The ID of the authorized person | |
billing_amount | Decimal | 20,0 | Y | 原始扣款金額 | Original deduction amount; required for recurring fixed amount payment. |
billing_currency | Decimal | N | 原始扣款幣別,預設TWD | Original currency deducted, default = TWD | |
billing_cycle | billing_cycle[] | Y | 扣款週期與次數定義,時區限制為UTC+8 | Original currency deducted, default = TWD | |
custom_items | custom_items[] | N | 客製化項目 | Custom items | |
result_url | HTTPS URL | 500 | Y | 由平台實作此callback URL (https)。 消費者綁定完成後,街口服務器訪問此平台服務器網址,並在參數中提供授扣編號與綁定交易狀態代碼。 | Callback URL (https) implemented by the merchant platform. After the user has completed authorization binding, JKO calls the platform’s server and provides the authorization ID and binding status code. |
result_display_url | HTTP(S) URL | 500 | N | 由平台實作此客戶端http/s url。 消費者授權同意後,消費者會被導向的平台客戶端結果網頁。 | Client http/s url implemented by the platform. After the user has granted authorization, the user will be directed to the merchant platform’s result page. |
範例 (Example):
"platform_authpay_id": "AUTHPAY_001",
"authpay_name": "XX Authorized payment",
"store_id": "35f12dff-1581-11e9-a054-00505684fd45",
"result_url": "https://test-platform/authpay/result",
"identities": ["X21234xxx"],
"billing_amount": 1000,
"billing_currency": "TWD",
"period": "month",
"times": 2
{"name":"Premium","value":"Free music listening"}
返回參數 (Response JSON Body)
參數名稱 Parameter | 資料型態 Data Type | 說明 | Description |
auth_no | String | 街口端授權編號 | JKOPay authorization number |
authpay_url | HTTPS URL | 授權綁定導向網址,街口 Server 判斷 : – 電腦或平板網頁交易環境,提供街口付款QRCode導向網址。 – 行動裝置支付環境,從消費者手機重新導向到街口App付款頁面。 | Authorization binding URL where users will be directed to. JKO Server will systematically determine whether the user is on : — Personal computer or notebook device payment environment, will provide JKOPAY payment QRCode web URL. — Mobile device payment environment and directs users to JKOPAY app’s payment interface. |
qr_img | HTTPS URL | QRCode 圖檔,平台可將 QRCode 嵌入平台網頁。 | QRCode image – an online merchant platform may integrate QRCode image into its own payment flow according to webpage style. |
qr_timeout | timestamp | QRCode/authpay_url 失效時間。回覆的 authpay_url與 QRCode 可在 20 分鐘內使用,只要在 valid_time 期限前 都可使用同筆 auth_no 請求 entry API 更新 QRCode/authpay_url 時限。 | QRCode/authpay_url timeout time。 The returned authpay_url and QRCode are valid within 20 minutes. Before valid_time expires, the same auth_no can be used to request entry API again to extend the QRCode/authpay_url timeout duration to another 20 minutes. |
範例 (Example):
"result": "000",
"message": null,
"result_object": {
"auth_no": "650660555924205568",
"authpay_url": "https://test-onlinepay.jkopay.com/web/authpay/url?j=cDpxcl90aW1lb3V0PTE2MzUyOTcyMjk3MjksYXV0aF9ubz02NTA2NjA1NTU5MjQyMDU1Njg7czo3MWEwYjIyOTkxMDEwZGRkY2FmNThhNDgwYTgxMTQyNzJhYmIzMTU1YWU5ZDJjMDQ5NGNhYjRmNjZhNjY2ODI5",
"qr_img": "https://test-onlinepay.jkopay.com/web/authpay/qr?j=cDpxcl90aW1lb3V0PTE2MzUyOTcyMjk3MjksdXNlcl90ZXJtaW5hbD1wYyxhdXRoX25vPTY1MDY2MDU1NTkyNDIwNTU2ODtzOjFkYzQ4Y2M4ZTNiZTA3NGI4MGEyMDAzY2ExZWFjZTE1ODAxMTViYmJiY2ZhNGIxZTczNzlhODA0NDRlYmU0YjU%3D",
"qr_timeout": 1635297229729
AuthPay_result_url 實作規格
說明:平台實作功能;當用戶授權流程結束且成功時,街口服務端 callback 此平台 Server url 通知授權結果。
連線規則:Connection timeout 5 秒,Read timeout 10 秒,每間隔 2^指數時間(秒數)Retry,最多 12 次,約在 2 小時內完成。舉例說明 callback 失敗後,間隔 1 秒後第一次Retry,如果失敗再間隔 2 秒第二次 Retry,如果失敗再間隔 4 秒第三次 Retry 依此類推。
When Authorization Binding process is completed and succeeds, JKOPAY Service will callback online merchant platform’s server URL to notify Authorization Binding result.
Connection timeout: 5 seconds
Read timeout: 10 seconds
Retry 12 times. Will try again with 2^ error times as time interval.
請求參數 (Request Parameter)
參數名稱 Parameter | 資料型態 Data Type | 最大長度 Maximum | 必要的 Required | 說明 | Description |
authpay | GrantedAuthPay | Y | 授權資料 | Granted authpay information |
範例 (Example):
"authpay": {
"type": "regular",
"auth_no": "591692855148417024",
"status": "granted",
"platform_authpay_id": "AUTHPAY_001",
" jkos_account ": "987654321"
HTTP Response
範例 (Example):
HTTP 200