通用參數定義 (General Parameter Definition)
參數名稱 Parameter | 資料型態 Data Type | 最大長度 Maximum | 必要的 Required | 說明 | Description |
type | String | 30 | Y | 授權類型 regular: 定期定額授權扣款 | Authorization type regular: recurring payment (fixed amount) |
status | String | 30 | Y | 授權狀態 ungranted: 未授權 granted: 已授權 cancel: 已取消 | Authorization status ungranted: not yet authorized granted: authorized cancel: authorization canceled |
auth_no | String | 30 | Y | 街口端授權編號 | JKOPay authorization number |
platform_authpay_id | String | 60 | N | 平台授扣編號(留存用) | Merchant platform authorization number(for record-keeping) |
jkos_account | String | 100 | Y | 街口帳號 | JKOPay user’s account |
billing _currency | String | N | 原始扣款幣別,預設TWD | Original currency, default= TWD | |
billing_amount | Decimal | 18,0 | Y | 原始扣款金額 | Original amount |
billing_cycle | billing_cycle[] | Y | 扣款週期與扣款次數(定期定額適用) | Deduction cycle and times (For type is regular) |
注:時區統一為 UTC+8(Note: UTC+8 timezone)
參數名稱 Parameter | 資料型態 Data Type | 最大長度 Maximum | 必要的 Required | 說明 | Description |
billing_cycle.period | String | Y | 扣款週期,時區限制為UTC+8,限帶入以下字串(e.g.week) week:週(Sun~Mon) month:月 quarter:季 year:年 | Deduction cycle period, timezone is UTC+8, and input the following string only (e.g.week) week:(From Sun to Mon) month quarter year | |
billing_cycle.times | Int | N | 每週期內,扣款次數。 (限帶入整數,如未帶此參數,系統預設為1次) Week <= 7次 Month <= 7次 Quarter <= 7次 Year <= 12次 | The deduction time in regular period. (input Int only, default= 1) If the period is a week, then the times-limit <= 7 If the period is a month, then the times-limit <= 7 If period is a quarter, then the times-limit <= 7 If the period is a year, then the times-limit <= 12 |
參數名稱 Parameter | 資料型態 Data Type | 最大長度 Maximum | 必要的 Required | 說明 | Description |
platform_order_id | String | 60 | Y | 電商平台端交易序號 需為唯一值,不可重複。 | The ID of the order is saved on the platform. This ID needs to be unique and unrepeated. |
trade_name | String | 30 | Y | 交易名稱 (會顯示於app中授權交易記錄頁) | Transaction name (shown in the authorization record page in the JKOPay app) |
currency | String | 3 | Y | 原始幣別 [ISO 4217] | Original currency [ISO 4217] |
total_price | Decimal | 18,0 | Y | 訂單價格(原始幣別) | Total price (original currency) |
final_price | Decimal | 18,0 | Y | 訂單應付價格(原始幣別) | Final price would be paid (original currency) |
unredeem | Decimal | N | 訂單不可折抵回饋金額(原始幣別) 預設為0 | The amount that cannot be discounted or not qualified for reward (original currency) Default = 0 | |
products | Product[] | N | 商品資訊 | Product information | |
remark | String | N | 備註 | Memo |
參數名稱 Parameter | 資料型態 Data Type | 最大長度 Maximum | 必要的 Required | 說明 | Description |
platform_order_id | String | 60 | Y | 電商平台端交易序號 需為唯一值,不可重複。 | The ID of the order is saved on the platform. This ID needs to be unique and unrepeated. |
status | StatusCode | Y | (Status非0時,以下欄位不回覆) | (When the status does not equal 0, the following parameters will not be returned) | |
tradeNo | String | 25 | Y | 街口端交易序號 | JKOPay transaction number |
trans_time | DateTime string | Y | 交易時間 YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS | Transaction time YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS | |
currency | String | 3 | Y | 原始幣別 [ISO 4217](TWD) | Currency [ISO 4217](TWD) |
final_price | Decimal | 18,0 | Y | 訂單應付價格(原始幣別) | The final price would be paid (original currency) |
redeem_amount | String | 18,0 | Y | 折抵金額=街口幣折抵+官方街口券折抵+店家街口券折抵 | Discounted amount = amount of JKO coin + JKO official coupon + store coupon |
redeem_detail | RedeemDetail[] | Y | |||
debit_amount | String | 18,0 | Y | 付款方式扣款金額(折抵後金額) | Amount paid (after discount) |
refund_history | RefundTransaction[] | Y | |||
invoice_vehicle | String | 20 | Y | 街口帳戶發票載具 | Jkopay account invoice carrier |
maskNo | String | 16 | N | 付款工具使用信用卡時提供卡號前六後四碼 格式:222222******3333 | When channel_type is “credit card” then the JKOPay server will reply with the card number(The first six numbers and last four numbers) Format: 222222******3333 |
channel_type | String | Y | 支付工具 account: 儲值帳戶 bank: 銀行帳戶 creditcard: 信用卡 | User’s payment method account: JKOPay balance bank: bank account creditcard: credit card (not available for crossborder payment) |
參數名稱 Parameter | 資料型態 Data Type | 最大長度 Maximum | 必要的 Required | 說明 | Description |
name | String | 60 | N | 商品名稱(charset=utf-8) | Deduction cycle period, timezone is UTC+8, and input the following string only (e.g.week) week:(From Sun to Mon) month quarter year |
img | String | 500 | N | 商品網址 | The deduction time in regular period. (input Int only, default= 1) If the period is a week, then the times-limit <= 7 If the period is a month, then the times-limit <= 7 If period is a quarter, then the times-limit <= 7 If the period is a year, then the times-limit <= 12 |
unit_count | Int | N | 商品數量 | ||
unit_price | Decimal | 18,0 | N | 商品單價(原價) | |
unit_final_price | Decimal | 18,0 | N | 商品單價(付款價格) |
參數名稱 Parameter | 資料型態 Data Type | 最大長度 Maximum | 必要的 Required | 說明 | Description |
refund_tradeNo | String | 25 | Y | 街口端退款交易序號 | Jkopay refund transaction number |
amount | Decimal | 18,0 | Y | 退款金額 | Refund amount |
redeem_amount | Decimal | 18,0 | Y | 退還折抵金額 | Amount redeemed |
redeem_detail | RedeemDetail | Y | |||
debit_amount | Decimal | 18,0 | Y | 消費者付款方式退款金額 | Amount refunded to the user’s payment method |
time | datetime string | Y | 退款時間 YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS | Refund time YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS |
參數名稱 Parameter | 資料型態 Data Type | 最大長度 Maximum | 必要的 Required | 說明 | Description |
jko_coin_amount | Decimal | 18,0 | Y | 街口幣折抵金額 | JKO coin redeem amount |
official_coupon_amount | Decimal | 20,0 | Y | 官方街口券折抵金額 | official coupon redeem amount |
store_coupon_amount | Decimal | 20,0 | Y | 店家街口券折抵金額 | store coupon redeem amount |
參數名稱 Parameter | 資料型態 Data Type | 最大長度 Maximum | 必要的 Required | 說明 | Description |
name | String | 60 | N | 客製化項目名稱 | Custom items’ name |
value | Decimal | 20,0 | N | 客製化項目金額 | The description of custom items |